Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How do you Feel about Eating?

How do you Feel About Your Eating?

So many times the way we feel about our own eating affects our progress and how we will do in reaching or maintaining our weight loss goals.

How do you feel?  

Some examples of what you may say to yourself are provided below.

Which one or ones are you? 

And if you do not fit the examples below, how do you sound in your own head or what do you say to yourself or feel about your own eating throughout the day?

Maybe by looking at how you feel about what you eat, and what you do, its possible to make strides towards progress.

1. The Over Calories Fear Head:  Oh my gosh how will I get through the day without going over my calories...AGAIN? How will I ever make it? And if I don't make it, I might gain ALL my weight back! And more! I better really watch  every ounce because I am headed for disaster before i even eat a thing. I have to eat like a bird. I will never make it.

2. The Save the Cals for Evening: If I don't want to mess this up, I better eat a very very little bit for breakfast, cause I have to SAVE my calories for dinner and for evening snacks too! Cause I am pretty hopeless then!

3. The When Can I Eat "Normal" Again? Whoa is me. How will I do this? I have to eat all this healthy food in order to lose weight. I can't wait until I can get back to eating NORMAL. I don't want to eat this crap. It's ok, but it's not good! How many days left til I can cheat or have a NORMAL day?

3. The Enjoy Yourself & All Your Choices, Have a Good Time Eater! Wow! I might have a calorie limit but I have so many great choices! I can have wonderful breakfast! Look at all the choices! I can have eggs, cereal, English muffin, toast, pancakes, omelettes, peanut butter & jelly sandwich. I can have whatever I want. Waffles. Ham n cheese sandwich. Oatmeal. So many great foods to choose from. As long as I can eat within the calories for the day, I will be fine. So I am going to enjoy the day and choose carefully the foods that I feel like eating, so I can sit down and enjoy them. ! I am also looking forward to a great lunch and dinner and feel confident that I will be in touch with my body and know what and how much it needs.

4. The Buckle Down and Get Serious, but its No Fun ! person:  I just have to buckle down and do this. I know I have no discipline but I just have to try. I put together a few menu options so I feel prepared. And I will just have to get thru this, one day and then the next. I am a lousy dieter but I am going to buckle down and get serious.

5.  Everything I did is Wrong, but I can Change:Lost But Ready for Help: Most foods and everything I have been eating in the past has been wrong. I am not to blame. Yet every year I put on more and more pounds. Now I see that I am totally confused about eating. I need guidance. I need to read and educate myself. As I lose weight, I will take the opportunity to learn more about what I like to eat, its nutritional value, and certain foods make me feel.  Integrating what I learn about food every day will give me new ideas and new keys to success. I am happy to shed the old automatic panic days of eating, and instead feel good about trying new healthy foods. I might not be perfect at the start, but I am committed to changing and learning every day to find the right combinations.

6. OK, I know I Have to Do Something! But I won't Give up Blank. What do you expect me to do, STARVE?  this is a panic, pissed off voice. You have certain foods that you just absolutely do not want to live without, because you feel you CANT live without them Pizza. Chinese. Ice Cream. Whatever it Is. You are SURE, without even asking, that you cannot eat these foods on a DIET. And you are SURE you are going to get REAL hungry and REAL grouchy on this so called diet. So there you are. You know you have to do something because its threatening your health. But you are really scared, cause you love the food you love. You do not want to give it up, and the thought of giving it up makes you MAD. Yet, you never have talked with anybody at all about the possibility that maybe you CAN have the food you LOVE and LOSE WEIGHT at the same time!

7. I know I have to Exercise to Lose Weight. I can eat a very little amount, but I cannot exercise because of: (this that pain, back, surgery, heart beat, whatever it is, real or imagined). Despite reports to the contrary, this person still operates with the idea that the LESS they eat the MORE they will LOSE WEIGHT. So they think of all calories as BAD. Essentially they are afraid of themselves and eating. So they try to lose weight on say 600-1000 calories a day. And they do NO exercise. They feel inside hopeless, because when they do try to exercise its difficult, there is very little they can do comfortably, maybe the maximum time they can do anything is 5 minutes. So they say, why try? They have done maybe 1 or 2 types of exercise in their lives, and since they did not do those well, they figure why try something else. Will only fail at that. And for eating: they know what to eat. Lean meats and vegetables and low sodium. They think this must be the answer. So NO pleasure is involved in their diets, and they just believe this is what they MUST do to get the weight down.

8. The Planner: I don't know what I can or will eat, but maybe if I sit down and think about it, I can come up with some ideas and then eating won't feel so overwhelming to me. I am nervous. I feel I should have it together by now, but I don't. I don't now about this diet thing. I have failed before but I guess I can give it a try. I have to just sit down and make a plan, and shop accordingly. But I am so busy I just don't know if I have time and money to do all of this now.

9. The Grocery Store Freak Out Eater - Going shopping is too hard. I can't think. Too many rules and regulations. I just can't do it. I'd rather just go to Mickey D's or somewhere and get some quick food when I'm hungry.
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