Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Friend E

Got together tonight with one of my best girlfriends, E. We have been friends since I was in my 20s...a while ago. I should tell you really first, what E looks like. She looks like Gwen Eiffel, the news commentator.

The funny thing about E is that on the inside she is conservative, as she puts it "A Southern Baptist", wholesome, good work ethic, traditional, faithful, romantic. Straight shooter. But when you look at E she looks almost opposite.

Tonight as I pulled to open the glass door to the place we were meeting, I saw a vaguely familiar looking woman in the distance, flashing me this big wide friendly smile. A Ravishingly Wildly Exotic Gorgeous Woman there, dressed in sort of a warm orange/red sweater jacket, with big gold hoop earrings. .

 "Is that E? She looks fantastic!" It was E, E in a reddish brown shiny curly hair short wig that framed her face so perfectly, exposing her high cheekbones, newly revealed as she has in the past year, lost 40 pounds off her 5 ft 3 frame, going from 225 to 185 pounds, but looking far slimmer.

As I approached, I cupped my hands around her cheeks, looked into her eyes, and said, "E! You look fantastic! That wig is GORGEOUS! Gorgeous! You never looked better in your life!"

E's wig really makes her look exotic. Wild woman. Fun. Nobody would ever think she is really a pretty straight laced, conservative person. Like, she will not go camping certain places, and will not walk on park trails even in the city cause she's afraid of animals and bears. She is afraid to fly in a plane. She does not drive a car. She does not use her debit card because she doesn't know how. She cannot do math, cannot write well, cannot pronounce many words correctly.

But what E really does well is be E. E has more charm and personality than 100 other people put together. She words really hard, she is super polite, she is thoughtful, and she has just a certain charm or poise about her that makes people want to be with her, hire her, have her around, as her spirit is just so pleasant, that people just feel better about themselves and about life when she is a part of it. I think its something like that.

Anyway, E is on this crazy diet that I don't like and would never do myself. She eats hardly anything for breakfast or lunch: I think she has a piece of fish or chicken for 2 meals with green vegetable or a salad. And then for dinner she eats something regular and has 1 carb: like bread or wine or chocolate. Something like that.

Yes she will lose weight on this. But time and time again she has done these diets, and then after a while she hates it and goes off and starts eating the other way again. I asked her if this was the diet that she would like to continue for life, because I thought the most successful diets are ones where how you eat when losing weight is similar to how you will eat when maintaining weight, just different portions or calorie amounts.

E is really muscular, just naturally muscular,and I am sure if she did strength training she would be even more muscular, and would then boost her metabolism, and then she would not have to eat this puny amount of food as she is now. I mean, this is LESS food than I ate when I was losing. It is! Maybe she eats 150 calories for breakfast, and maybe 200 for lunch..Maybe. Not much.

She is almost 7 years older than me, and looks about 15 years younger than me. Today when we were talking about life, she said, "Oh its just DOWNHILL from here!"

And I said, "No its not! I feel great. Its so great that we have had these years to live! And we're active and healthy." And  she said, "yeah, you're right."

Life is good. We get to walk and run and laugh. Swim and talk and eat. Go places. See things. See movies. Plant a garden. Watch kids have fun. Take walks. I don't know.

I used to call myself a happy idiot. Cause I was kind of born a happy person and seem to be happy for no apparent reason. Maybe I am not a happy idiot. Maybe I am just a naturally happy person and thats all.

Life is just good and I am grateful to have the opportunity to be alive every day. So thats a little blurb on My Friend E.

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