Tuesday, January 11, 2011

more on january 11

More on January 11

Yesterday I tried to mentally bring down my heart rate while on the elliptical. I don't think it worked.

I hope people who have a lot of weight to lose really can lose it because bottom line, I think that all the extra weight is life threatening. Life threatening. Means they could drop of a heart attack any time. Dangerous stuff.

My cousin told me last night that a friend of hers, 66, died suddenly Friday. Thats too young to die. I don't know what to write to my friends who have really a lot of weight to lose, because some of them just don't seem to 1)confront what is stopping them 2) or just can't seem to do it. I really do understand that it isn't easy. I am no expert. I did it, but I went through years of not facing the issue AT ALL, just eating, living, and being fat. But if you ARE trying to lose weight, really trying, why fool around?

If its hard to figure out what to eat, get help. It IS hard. It takes a while. It takes a while to find some activity you can do that you might like. And there is that stupid hopeless feeling that can come at any time. Don't listen to that hopeless feeling. Don't.

Next year is going to come anyway. 6 months is going to come anyway, and you CAN in 6 months, lost AT LEAST 30 pounds, minimally, with no so much effort if you are 100+ pounds overweight. But not if you just don't take it that seriously.  I want to be polite on Livestrong and respect friends' individual struggles, as they respect mine, (or have), but sometimes I just don't know what to write without interfering.

Yesterday I was not in as good a shape on Elliptical as I want to be. Others around me went faster. Ok, I am not in my 20s, but I can still improve. It might snow here tonight. My husband canceled his music classes he teaches far away. I am kind of hoping it snows, so I can stay home. I am in the mood to go to Ikea, which is only 3 miles away. Nothing deep this morning. I like not being stressed out. My hope is to find another work project that does not stress me out a lot.